Bring Gaze on Yourself
Do you remember April 2022? No? We’ll take care of that to refresh your memory: a mild spring in that Bergamo area, about 15 degrees and some sunshine to warm the spirits after a long winter of quarantines to colored and Covid zones.

During the winter, a group of willing people from AEGEE-Bergamo took matters into their own hands and decided to organize a Network Meeting, a gathering of people from all over the AEGEE area in which Bergamo was a part, in which to exchange information and knowledge, what better occasion than the first post-Covid spring?

Let’s take a little step forward: it is April 24, the first participants are beginning to approach the place chosen for the overnight stay and the conduct of NWM activities, the sky is beginning to darken over Bergamo with clouds that do not bode well, the group of people who organized the event, together with a small but efficient number of helpers, are finalizing the preparations for everything to be perfect.

In the rainy four days that followed, the event was attended by about fifteen young people from different cities where AEGEE is present, some familiar faces and many new acquaintances who had the chance to get to know Bergamo between a city tour and a pub crawl, take part in the social program and make new friends or deepen those already established and, last but not least, get inspired by the interesting sessions held mainly by (former, ed.) Network Commissioner Maria Pandolfi, former member of AEGEE-Bergamo concerning the theme of the event: Bring Gaze on Yourself.
All, of course, under the pouring rain of the only rainy weekend of spring 2022 in Bergamo, which, however, did not stop organizers and participants from carrying out these activities with immense enthusiasm and making this Network Meeting an unforgettable experience, remaining both for the lessons that Maria’s sessions conveyed and for every single moment that the Network Meeting allowed to be experienced. And in the last few hours the sun also came out.
When is the next one?