It is a SPECIAL AEGEE CALENDAR, from Spring Agora Krakow 2018 to Spring Agora 2019.
This calendar is one of the results of a collaboration between two AEGEE-BERGAMO AND AEGEE-MOSKVA as a part of their TWINNING PROJECT.

Despite the distance, we want to show how beautiful it can be to work with amazing people. We both put great commitment and effort to make it come true.

Thanks to these projects our members have learned a lot about each other and made our friendship even stronger. Have a look at the calendar and get to know us as well! On each month you’ll find out about us and what we have discovered about each other!

Look at the members who took part in this amazing project! Request your copy! (You will be able to buy the printed one on Spring Agora Krakow)
If you appreciate our work and want to support our initiative, make a donation! Once you send us your contacts, we will send you the information on how to make your donation and receive your copy. If you’re an AEGEEan, you’ll also be able to find a paper copy of this calendar at Spring Agora Krakow

Have a look in full screen!